Foliant Taurus 530SF



We are pleased to offer:


Fully Automated, compact industrial B2 in-house lamination with ease!
With hot foiling option
•Compact design, minimal floor space required
•Film Air Shaft
•PLC controlled overlaps
•Sheet size up to 530mm x 760mm
•Production speed up to 35M/min
•High Pneumatic Nip Pressure
•User-Friendly Touch Screen Controls
•Sheet De-curling for straight laminated sheets

Foliant Taurus 530SF The machine is equipped with: Deep pile vacuum feeder, high-speed bump separator, touch screen controls and twin de-curl and overlap. All machine adjustments can be made on the fly! Due to its high pneumatic nip pressure system, it is suitable for all types of digital and offset lamination. Max speed is 35M/min.

The FOLIANT Taurus 530SF laminator maximum sheet size is 53 x 76cm and the minimum sheet size is 30 x 20 cm (A4). The FOLIANT Taurus 530SF machine is a single sided thermal industrial laminator, the machine can handle paper ranging from 115 – 600GSM paper. The laminating unit is equipped with an adjustable twin de-curl unit:
De-curl blade for offset printed sheets de-curling and a de-curl roller for digital printed sheets de-curling (to prevent the scratches on sheets printed on both sides by digital print with sensitive inks).

Speed: 30m / min
Feeding : Automatic
Feeding System: Suction Feed head
Feeder Load Capacity : 65 cm
Overlaps: PLC controlled Adjustable
Overlaps Accuracy: + / - 2 mm
Separation: Automatic, Bump Rollers
Paper Weight: 115 - 600 gsm
Main Rollers Pressure: Pneumatic
Compressor: 6 – 8 Bar required
Min. Sheets Size (w x l) :20 x 30 cm
Max. Sheets (w x l) : 53 x 76 cm
Max. Performance 2500 B2 / hour
Warming up Time 8 min
Temperature Control 80 - 140°C
Power Supply: 3 phase
Power: 7000 W
Floor space with
Jogger (w x l) 114 x 260 cm
Weight : 530 kg
Pallet Stacker: Optional
Module for PET
Films Processing: Optional
Jogger 530: Optional
Anti Static bar: Optional
Twin Decurl Bar,
In-Run Adjustable: Standard delivery
Full and complete without damages
Inspection possible


United Kingdom
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Manufacturer: Foliant
Model: Taurus 530SF
Year: 2015
Size: 530 x 760 mm.
Location: United Kingdom
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