Duplo DBM120 Bookletmaker + DBM120T Trimmer



Binding store Ltd are pleased to offer this great condition Duplo DBM-120 Bookletmaker + 120T Trimmer. The Duplo DBM-120 is a highly versatile booklet maker capable of standalone/hand-fed operation or connection to a choice of friction or suction collators and Duplo’s DSF-2000 digital printed sheet feeder. The operating speed is up to 2,400 booklets-per-hour and most of the setup is automatic making this a perfect machine for short-run production.

A built in corner,side stapling facility means this can be used without having to move or replace other staple heads. Setting up jobs is easy, just simply choose from 1 of the 13 memories and formats are automatically adjusted. 20 sheets of 80gsm paper can be run through the DBM120 bookletmaker allowing for booklets of up to 88 pages to be made. The machine will automatically set the correct staple depth after the operator inputs how many sheets are being sent through, meaning a strong, secure bind every time.


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Manufacturer: Duplo
Model: DBM120
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