Dürselen PB 09



offer consists of:

Dürselen Corta PB09
paper drill

- Format:
min. 145x105 (A6)
max. 310x220 (A4)

- production speed: to 1.200 / h

- numbers of drilling heads: 4x
- drilling diameter: 3-14mm
- drilling distance: 31,7-310mm
- stack height: 50mm

- power: 230/400Volt, 3Phasen, 50Hz

- dimensions (with transportation belts): 1700x2500m
- length transportation belts: 1500mm

We can also organize the following for you:

packaging, loading, transport ( by ship or plane) including customs


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Manufacturer: Dürselen
Model: PB 09
Year: 2000
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