Böwe Quattro 504/6



Boewe Systec Quattro manufactured in Boewe Systec A.G. in Germany.
Components: 504 (Quattro), 4718 (corner), 5539 - conveyor stacker.
SPEED: up to 6000 cycles per 1 hour
Formats: C4 envelopes
Enclosure feeders: 6
You can compose your package from six different enclosures!
Formats of enclosures: min: 6 inches, max: A4 sheets
Enclosures can be: single sheet, multiple sheets - glued, multiple sheets - fascicle (max. 20 sheets, but it depends on paper weight), can be envelopes, brochures.
Max. paper length 210.0 cm
Max. paper width 297.0 cm
Max units/min 100 /min
Machine size
Length x width x height 5500mm × 1800 mm × 1300 mm
Weight 1700.0 kg
State good
Status under power

Press Trading Denmark APS

Press Trading Denmark APS
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Manufacturer: Böwe
Model: Quattro
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