Bobst SP 102 BMA Foilmaster



Computer touch screen for band forwarding control with OAX calculation system for saving band; temperature control system, Non-stop feeder, Pull lay operator side, No. 3 shafts for pushing forward the bands, Evaquation device for metal band with brush system, Standard equipment for controlling no. 6 bands, Pivoting joggers : device for foil control, Heater flat with 12 zones, heated upper beam, Honeycomb chase and plate 2,3 mm and 3 mm, Band brake detection (16 bands), 16 heating flat zones, Automatic Non-stop with carpet in delivery, 7.500 speed/h, Elevated 350 mm

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA
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Manufacturer: Bobst
Model: SP 102 E
Year: 2002
Has Autoplate Loading: Yes
Size: 1020 x 720 mm.
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