Ashe 16588 Rewinder



We are pleased to offer:

Ashe 16588 Rewinder Machine
Year: 2002
Machine configuration: The equipment supplied comprises a free standing slitting/rewinding machine, equipped with a layon carriage that allows slitting close to the rewind. Unwind tension is controlled by pneumatic brake on the unwind drive chain.
Operational Specification
Maximum web speed 300M/min
Maximum diameter 650mm Max Unwind /650 Max Rewind
Maximum web width 520mm
Maximum Reel Weight 150 kg
Tension: 3 To 50 kg
Guider correction: +/- 25mm
Correction rate: 25mm/sec
Core size 76 mm l /Dia
Electrical: 380/460V 3 phase, 4 wire, 50/60Hz. (Rated at 20 amperes)
Pneumatic: 80 psi (5.5 bar) clean, dry air at a nominal flow rate.
The noise level of the machine does not exceed 70dB
Full and complete
Available immediately
Located in the UK
Good working order
Can be seen in production.
Full and complete


United Kingdom
Verified dealer
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Manufacturer: Ashe
Model: 16588 Rewinder
Year: 2002
Location: United Kingdom
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