Press Trading Denmark APS


To buy or sell a Printing Press is not just about business, printing units and prices - it's also about people, advice and mutual trust. After several years as a company servicing within the Printing Press industry this with a staff up to 12 people and with a broad branch experience we have now evolved into dealing with used Printing Press'.

This business is in many ways very "colourful", and there is no end to the possibilities of dealing Printing Presses. We do our best to make it easy for our customers. If a machine is on our sales list, it either belongs to us or we are authorized by our customer to sell it.

We believe that an open communication is the key to ensure that we and our customers are on the same level. This in order to find the optimal solution, within the given circumstances, whereby all the involved parties are satisfied.

Press Trading Denmark APS
Fovsletvej 5
Zip / City:
6000 Kolding
Verified Dealer Verified Seller
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