
Equipped with:
- Autoplate
- Wall Screen
- CP2000 Press Centre
- Alcolor with Vario Damping
- Programmable Roller Wash via CP2000
- Programmable Blanket Wash via CP2000
- Programmable Impression Cylinder Wash via CP2000
- Electronic Sidelay
- Preset Plus Feeder
- Preset Plus Extended Delivery
- Anti-static in Feeder and Delivery
- Steel Plate in Feeder and Delivery
- Ionised Blast in Feeder
- Technotrans Beta C Refrigeration and Circulation with Ink Temp Control
- Heidelberg Drystar 3000 IR Dryer
- Heidelberg Airstar
- Heidelberg Powderstar Weko AP262 R Spray
- Tresu Carmeracle Coater with Anilox Roller
- Heidelberg Scrollstar Compressor

Itec Graphic Machinery Ltd

United Kingdom
Itec Graphic Machinery Ltd
Verified dealer
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Manufacturer: Heidelberg
Model: CD 102
Year: 2008
Color(s): 6
Coater: Yes
Size: 720 x 1020 mm.
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