Heidelberg CD 102-4+L



1997, HEIDELBERG CD102-4+L

- 4 colors 72X102 + coater.
- Year: 1997.
- Serial No. 539 551.
- 125 mio revolutions.

Equipped with:

- CPC 1.04 + CPTronic.
- Alcolor.
- Technotrans refrigeration.
- Coater tower.
- Grafix IR dryer.
- Semi Automatic plate changing.
- Blankets, and, cylinders automatic washers.
- Grafix Powder spray.
- Machine 370mm. raised.

Can be inspected running, available in August.


Verified dealer
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Manufacturer: Heidelberg
Model: CD 102
Year: 1997
Impressions: 125 mio.
Color(s): 4
Coater: Yes
Has Autoplate Loading: Yes
Size: 720 x 1020 mm.
Location: France
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