Alcon S.r.l.


Since its founding in 1991, with the first installations of a large perfect binding line, Alcon Holding has grown to become, with the help of important partnerships, one of the largest and most active companies specializing in the international trade of used graphic arts machinery.

Today, our database contains more than 1,000 satisfied clients from all over the world, among whom are printing, paper making and bookbinding companies; and around 20,000 dealers/brokers who collaborate with us and help us find the right machinery for our clients.
We supply and purchase machinery for every step in the printing production process: pre-press, printing (sheet-fed and web presses) and post-press. Our staff, in collaboration with our world-wide network of partners, will help you find the best used machinery available. 
We are dealers, not brokers. We are among the few in the market who have the financial resources to buy machinery before reselling it, and when we offer a machine we do so as its owners, giving you, as our customer, much greater certainty.

We deal with printers, paper making and bookbinding companies, international banking institutions, Courts, court-appointed receivers and curators, and liquidators.

Every day we strive to work with earnestness and clarity for continuous professional growth, and this allows us always to offer the best for our clients.

Alcon S.r.l.
Zip / City:
00162 Rome
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