Palamides Zeta 1UP



Automatic bundling system for behind an Alpha 500S or an Alpha 700S. For use behind an Alpha 500, 500plus, 700 or 700plus a hardware/software conversion of the Alpha by Palamides is necessary.


minimum infeed length: 120mm
maximum infeed length: 760mm

minimum infeed width: 80mm
maximum infeed width: 420mm

The infeed length of the Zeta corresponds to the infeed width of the Alpha, since the Zeta is placed across the Alpha.

Minimum stack height: 1mm
maximum stack height: 250mm

Alpha infeed:

speed with 1 band with 2 bands
1-up approx. 10 sec. approx. 15 sec.
2-up approx. 15 sec. approx. 20 sec.
3-up approx. 19 sec. approx. 27 sec.

Beta infeed:

Speed 1.200 cycles/h 3 sec./cycle

Syncresco BV

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Manufacturer: Palamides
Model: Zeta 1UP
Year: 2006
Stations: 1
Size: 420 x 250 mm.
Location: Netherlands
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