
Speed 18.000 c/h, Elevated 525 mm, CP 2000 touch screen consolle, CP 2000 MasterLever licence sofware, CP 2000 Instant Gate licence, CP 2000 CAN DryStar Advanced, CP 2000 CAN PowderStar licence, IMAGE CONTROL, Autoplate Advanced, PRESET PLUS FEEDER, Foil package on the infeed table, Non stop feeder, Steel plate feeder, Multiple-sheet detector/ tear-off, Ultrasonic double-sheet control, Pneumatic side register + autocleaning & double, Multiple sheet control/Forwarding roller, FUCHS & KERSTEN antistatic feeder/delivery, Ultrasonic double-sheet control, HYCOLOR + VARIO SYSTEM, COMBISTAR CAN: ink temp. + ref.+ Alcosmart, No. 6 Technotrans ink agitators for UV inks, Rollers washer by CP2000, Blanket cyl. by CP2000, Wash impression cyl. by CP2000, Nro 3 Interdeck IST with ZTD provided separately, Air Transfer System Venturi, Coating + chambered doctor blade, Coating Star : heat coater system, MULTI-LOADER LWE automatic roller storage changer, EXTENDED DELIVERY X3, PRESET PLUS DELIVERY, UV/IST in delivery 3x1EOP, 1 cold air knife, Non stop delivery, CLEANSTAR : powder exhauster in delivery, Intercom system: Microphone communication, Steel plate delivery, Pumping station beta ps, Coldair Cabinet UV (for cold air knife), Pumping station beta.t x UV water cooling circuit, Chiller with 6 fans, Exhausting cabinet for UV ZDT, Exhausting device for EOP, AIRSTAR XL : central air box water cooled, SCROLLSTAR: Atlas Copco compressor

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA
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Manufacturer: Heidelberg
Model: SM XL 105
Year: 2006
Color(s): 6
Has Autoplate Loading: Yes
Size: 750 x 1050 mm.
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